Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Strip Blanket

 Yarns i bought not knowing what project to make with it. The picture here the one without edition and the one below is with edition, hoping that you might get the right colors but than it did not come out well, and I am sorry for that. Looks like my old cellphone samsung GT-S3653 wasn't happy the day i took this pictures. It does give happy pictures when its happy. Most of my pictures are taken with it since i don't own a camera.

                                                           edited picture

                                                            edited picture

                                                                   edited picture

                                                             edited picture

Guess what i started with it.

 A blooming Flower cushion with the tutorial from http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/blooming-flower-cushion.html
  Its a small string yarn so i held four of it together to get big enough of desired ply of yarn. Did i success?  NO, the yarn was too thick for the flower to bloom. Another failure, shame on me.
 So i went for the second option the stripy blanket from http://www.lemondedesucrette.com/2014/03/08/updating/
                      So on i went ahead with it
                      But than i got struck at the end of the row.

             I went ahead anyway by getting my hook into the very first stitch.

               The strip grew with the trial of different way at the end.

 Did you notice the fan like shadow or shud i say icestick. While i was laying out my stipy on the floor here my neighbor came in and ask me if its scrave.
I thought why not it can be scarve, so i took a picture of me wearing it for future reference , i might make one.
                       Here the color went by the sheet on my bed

                             I am still trying other options at the end.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Morning Walk

                                         The walk starts from here, walking up to the top of the hill.
                                                   The sun had already caught me
My place
                                                The school goer take the same route
           With their packedlunch they have to walk for an hour to school
                                          Gear up to the hill

                                                     Rest and take some fresh air
                The school kids left already, they are fast walker
                                     Bird eye view of my place
                                                   Steep climbing 

                            Still need to walk more to reach on the top
                          Above the cloud

                 walking down back to my place

                      Stick insect also going for morning walk

                                School kids waiting for the bus